My trademark as a tax blogger is “stuff I find interesting”. Not surprisingly a bit of that stuff is not that interesting to a very large number of people. Much as I appreciate the discerning elite of my readers, I sometimes like to reflect on what seems to be of the most interest. Here is what my readership found most interesting in 2021.
Stimulus Checks
Excitement over stimulus checks infected the blogosphere and seemed to be a surefire way to get traffic. I was tempted to do a post about how my barber who knows a congressman thinks the next stimulus check will be a prime number. I followed my principles nonetheless and only wrote about them when I thought I had something worthwhile and was rewarded with reader interest.
In Stimulus Checks And Filing Your 2020 Tax Return-Hurry Up Or Wait?, I scoped out the unique situation we found ourselves in where you could affect your overall outcome by whether you filed your 1040 early or later. Related and possibly relevant in the 2022 is The $1,100 Per Child Tax Rebate Bonus For Divorced And Unmarried Parents. Many people who expect refunds will file as soon as possible, but they may want to take a breath this year particularly if they share a child with a partner they are not currently married to.
The Al Capone Syndrome
My post on an odd reaction to whatever it was that…