March 23, 2024

In the Pioneer Press, Josh Verges writes: “Several St. Paul district schools could shift to virtual learning next week under new guidelines announced Tuesday by district leaders. If 25 percent of teachers at a given school are absent and expected to be out for an extended period of time, that school could make a temporary move to online instruction. … On Tuesday, nine schools were over that 25 percent threshold. Superintendent Joe Gothard said it’s “very likely” some schools will be online next week, but other schools have every employee showing up for work. … In a surprise vote late Tuesday night, the school board decided 4-3 to accept Gothard’s school-by-school plan rather than moving all grades to virtual learning starting Friday.”

Amy Forliti writes for the AP: “First, it was Mohamed Noor — convicted for shooting an unarmed woman who approached his police SUV. Then it was Derek Chauvin, found guilty of murder for using his knee to pin George Floyd to a Minneapolis street as he gasped for air. Last month, it was Kim Potter, guilty of manslaughter for shooting a young Black man after a traffic stop. Three recent convictions of police officers, all in the Minneapolis area, raise the question: Has there been a shift in jurors’ historic unwillingness to convict cops in on-duty killings? .… ‘There was traditionally…

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