March 26, 2024

In a report published on Thursday, the Central Bank of Russia has called for a blanket ban on domestic cryptocurrency trading and mining.

The report titled “Cryptocurrencies: Trends, risks, measures” compares cryptocurrencies to a Ponzi scheme and calls for a complete ban on their use throughout Russia. The authors claim that cryptocurrencies are highly volatile in nature and are being used as a tool for illegal activities. The report also warned that crypto could pose a risk to financial sovereignty and could aid people in taking money out of the national economy. The report read:

“Potential financial stability risks associated with cryptocurrencies are much higher for emerging markets, including Russia.” 

The Russian central bank demanded a complete ban on over-the-counter (OTC) trading desks, crypto exchanges as well as peer-to-peer exchanges. The report also called for reinforcing the crypto payment ban and the introduction of strict punishment for any violations.

The central bank report further proposes a complete crypto mining ban in the country, claiming that mining activities create new supplies, which leads to demand for other crypto services such as exchanges. Crypto mining could undermine the existing green energy agenda and also disrupt Russia’s energy supply. The official paper read:

“Crypto mining creates a non-productive electricity expenditure, which undermines the energy supply of residential buildings, social infrastructure and industrial objects, as…

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