Jane says her online boyfriend, “Jonathan,” claims he is being held “hostage” on a construction worksite in Miami until he pays off his debt. Jane admits she has sent “Jonathan” close to $1 million in the past 18 months despite never meeting him in person or even seeing him on a video chat. Jane says she doesn’t know exactly where “Jonathan” is being held. “He will not give me the address because he says it’s confidential,” she says. When Dr. Phil sends a field producer to Miami to search for “Jonathan,” what does the producer discover? The conclusion of this two-part Dr. Phil, “Part Two: Where is ‘Jonathan?’,” airs Tuesday. And later, Jane meets a man named Ed who looks like the man she knows as “Jonathan” but isn’t. What is Jane’s response when Ed reveals his images were taken from the internet without his permission? Check your local listing to find out where to watch. WATCH: ‘I See A Very Kind Person,’ Says Woman Whose Friends And Family Believe She’s Involved With A Scammer TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Want Dr. Phil to investigate a situation or possible scam?